Best Flowers to plant in early Spring
08 April 2022 by daniela de luca
Hello everyone, I don’t know about you but as soon as Spring arrives I automatically start to feel more cheerful, the days are longer, it’s getting warmer, the birds seem chirpier and I adore the sweet scent of the flowers. It’s a sweet reminder that the cold, short days are over and summer is knocking on the door. It’s also a very busy season for us at Villa Prati as we start all the spring cleaning and Paolo, my husband is extremely busy working on the garden to get it all nice and ready for our client’s arrival. For those who know or have met Paolo will know he is ever the perfectionist and doesn’t stop unless every inch of the garden is perfect! Not at easy job! (I get tired just looking at him!)
At the moment we are in the process of deciding which flowers to plant in front of the villa and would love for you to give us your opinion. This is the area where we are to plant some flowers and initially we had white roses there but they would only bloom in June and September and we would like something that would resist the hotter months as well.
Below I have listed the options we are considering
Little Richard Abelia
Abelia Sherwoodii
Erigero Karvinskianus
White anemone
Potentilla abbotswood
- Convolvulus Cheorum
For our lovely followers both flower experts and not we would love your opinion. Hopefully you will come and spend some time at this lovely villa and will get to enjoy the scenery so your comments will be so helpful and much appreciated.
Have a lovely week x